No student devices needed. Know more
15 questions
What am I?
Desktop PC
Smart phone
Mainframe computer/server
What am I?
Desktop PC
Smart phone
Mainframe computer/server
what am I?
Desktop PC
Smart Phone
We are mobile devices.
Desktop PC
Smart phone
Xbox 360
I am wearable technology.
Desktop PC
Smart watch
Tablet PC
I tend to have a better specification than a laptop, I often cost less BUT I am not mobile.
Smart phone
Smart watch
Desktop PC
I can use WiFi and 3G/4G without the need for an adapter.
Smart phone
Desktop PC
We do not need a constant power supply.
Desktop PC
Smart watch
Tablet PC
Smart phone
I am a large powerful computer that other machines attach to. I can share data and programs with other machines/devices.
Smart phone
Tablet PC
I am ideal for sending emails, browsing the Internet and streaming video content on the go.
Smart watch
Desktop PC
Tablet PC
I need a constant power supply and I am not portable.
Desktop PC
Smart phone
Tablet PC
We have built in front and back cameras that are great for taking images and making video calls.
Smart phone
Tablet PC
Desktop PC
I link to a smart phone using Bluetooth and I am wearable technology.
Smart watch
Tablet PC
Desktop PC
Facetime and Skype are examples of VoiP?
Compared to a desktop PC, we are not very good to use when creating presentations, documents or websites.
Tablet PC
Smart phone
Smart watch
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