Data: Collecting, Organizing or Displaying
Trena Kiss
5th - 7th Grade
67 plays
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Multiple Choice
Bob designed a Questionnaire to find out the favourite pet of students in his school.
This is one way to COLLECT data
This is one way to ORGANIZE data
This is one way to DISPLAY data
Multiple Choice
Betty created a table to record the position of a cup after experimenting with pushing it off a table 50 times.
This is one way to COLLECT data
This is one way to ORGANIZE data
This is one way to DISPLAY data
Multiple Choice
Bob wanted to find out what the grade 6 students at his school wanted to be when they grew up. He created a survey to distribute on Google Forms.
This is one way to COLLECT data
This is one way to ORGANIZE data
This is one way to DISPLAY data
Multiple Choice
Betty created a line graph to show the rate of growth for her bean seed.
This is one way to COLLECT data
This is one way to ORGANIZE data
This is one way to DISPLAY data
Multiple Choice
Bob searched the internet to find the most popular songs of the 1980s.
This is one way to COLLECT data
This is one way to ORGANIZE data
This is one way to DISPLAY data
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