Traffic Rules and Traffic Official
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promise idimogu
Physical Ed
4th Grade
149 plays
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9 questions
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Multiple Choice
Who are Pedestrians?
Animals on the road
Cars on the road
Humans on the road
road on the road
Multiple Choice
The traffic light is important to who?
Both the drivers and pedestrian
traffic officer
Multiple Choice
Who/What should you pay attention to the most on the road?
traffic light
traffic police
traffic signal
Multiple Choice
All of these are why a traffic police important except
To tell you the best route to take
To ensure there is free flow of movement
To put you in a ditch
To telling you of any impending dangers on the road
Multiple Choice
The first important thing to do when you get into a car is to________
sit properly
use a seat belt
play with mummy and daddy
scream happily
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