Irony - 26 Questions- Watford
Sylvia Watford
6th - 8th Grade
68 plays
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26 questions
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Multiple Choice
A man looked out the window to see a hail storm, thunder and lightning. He turned to his friend and said, "This is wonderful weather we're having!"
situational irony
dramatic irony
verbal irony
none of the above
Multiple Choice
Looking at her child's messy room, Mom says, "Wow, you could win an award for cleanliness!"
dramatic irony
verbal irony
situational irony
none of the above
Multiple Choice
Melanie and her family decided to travel from Pennsylvania to Florida in January in order to avoid the cold weather. However, as soon as they arrived, they were welcomed by below-freezing temperatures. What type of irony is represented in this situation?
situational irony
dramatic irony
verbal irony
none of the above
Multiple Choice
What type of irony is represented in the following image?
situational irony
verbal irony
dramatic irony
none of the above
Multiple Choice
The cat ran away from the dog.
She told everyone what a beautiful day it was.
A vampire has a cross in his house.
Penny is beautiful.
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