The Kingly Lion-The Elderly Lion
Sandy Bownds
4th - 5th Grade
67 plays
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8 questions
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Multiple Choice
The main character in the story is a lion.
The Kingly Lion only
The Elderly Lion only
Both stories
Neither story
Multiple Choice
The main character in the story is kind.
The Kingly Lion only
The Elderly Lion only
Both stories
Neither story
Multiple Choice
The main character tricks the other characters.
The Kingly Lion only
The Elderly Lion only
Both stories
Neither story
Multiple Choice
The main character takes advantage of the kindness of others.
The Kingly Lion only
The Elderly Lion only
Both stories
Neither story
Multiple Choice
The main character wants to become King of the Forest.
The Kingly Lion only
The Elderly Lion only
Both stories
Neither story
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