Midsummer's Nights Dream Act 3 scene 1

Midsummer's Nights Dream Act 3 scene 1



Created by

Caitlin Arbour


7th Grade

66 plays


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30 questions

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Multiple Choice

30 sec

1 pt

Why does Bottom feel they need two Prologues to the play?

To warn the ladies that no harm as actually coming of them; it’s just acting. The lion and the sword scene.

They wanted time to brag about their acting skills and thank the duke and duchess

They wanted to overly explain the plot and premise to make sure the audience knew what was going on

They wanted the audience to decide who had a better lion’s roar


Multiple Choice

30 sec

1 pt

Who are the mechanicals putting on a play for and why?

The king and queen for their son’s funeral.

The duke and duchess for their wedding.

The duke’s funeral.

The duke and duchess’ celebration of their newborn.


Multiple Choice

30 sec

1 pt

Why does Bottom feel they need two Prologues to the play?

To warn the ladies that no harm as actually coming of them; it’s just acting. The lion and the sword scene.

They wanted time to brag about their acting skills and thank the duke and duchess

They wanted to overly explain the plot and premise to make sure the audience knew what was going on

They wanted the audience to decide who had a better lion’s roar


Multiple Choice

30 sec

1 pt

Who are the mechanicals putting on a play for and why?

The king and queen for their son’s funeral.

The duke and duchess for their wedding.

The duke’s funeral.

The duke and duchess’ celebration of their newborn.


Multiple Choice

30 sec

1 pt

How was the mechanical’s rehearsal?

They all did pretty ok, except for Bottom


Hilariously terrible

Everyone did terrible, except for bottom

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