Charlotte's Web: Chapter 12 & 13 Comprehension Quiz
Terry Collier
3rd Grade
58 plays
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Why was Charlotte bothered by all the excitement?
She missed the peace and quiet.
She was jealous of Wilbur.
She knew she would have to spin more webs.
The visitors scared away the insects.
Multiple Choice
What did Charlotte want the other animals to help her do?
write words in the web
think of words for the web
find a better place for the web
spread the word about the web
Multiple Choice
Why did Charlotte want new words for the web?
Flies were tearing up the web.
She thought people would get bored with "Some Pig"
The people were complaining
She was tired of looking at it.
Multiple Choice
Why did Templeton agree to help Charlotte save Wilbur?
He liked Wilbur and would miss him
He loved helping others
He wanted to eat Wilbur's left-over food
He wanted to be famous
Multiple Choice
What word did Charlotte choose for her next web?
pig supreme
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