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10 questions
Descriptive or Evaluative: This was an amazing paper!
Descriptive of Evaluative: Each of the titles made me curious and interested to know more.
Descriptive or Evaluative: The first entry contains really interesting information, like the results from studies conducted at Harvard.
Choose the statement that gives the best descriptive feedback.
Your six topics were unique, so the paper kept my attention.
Your six topics were cool, so that was fun to read.
Your six topics were good, so good job.
Your six topics were good choices; so . . . yeah.
Choose the statement that gives the best descriptive feedback.
Good research!
The research enhanced what you already knew, making you seem very credible.
The research you located in the databases was pertinent to the subject matter and tremendously supported the previously stated content in wholesome and uplifting ways.
Choose the statement that gives the best descriptive feedback.
Your style of writing was conversational and interesting.
Good writing style!
Awesome writing style! I would give you an A++.
What is wrong with giving this statement as feedback to your peers? (You may select more than one response)
"Overall, good. I give it a 7/10."
The statement is not descriptive.
The statement is not very positive.
The statement does not tell the author what is good.
The statement does not show any evidence of actually reading the paper.
Which of the following feedback statements are descriptive? (You could select more than one)
You have great titles!
The titles are creative! I like how all of them pertain to slogans.
Good idea to make puns for each of the titles!
I really, sincerely appreciate each and every one of your titles.
Which of the following statements would be MOST helpful feedback?
This was interesting.
The part about balancing chlorine and pH was interesting.
The part about balancing chlorine and pH levels was fascinating because I had no idea pool chemicals were so complex.
The part about balancing chlorine and PH levels was fascinating because you did a great job of making a complicated process easy to understand.
Select the statement(s) that give descriptive feedback.
English 9 Honors students are super cool.
English 9 Honors students are giving tremendous effort in their online work, as several teachers across curriculum areas have commented how impressed they have been with these students!
English 9 Honors students are successful.
English 9 Honors students are setting themselves up for future success by demonstrating time management, written communication skills, and advocacy skills.
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