


Oracle Inventory Cloud Exam


101 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    A Company has defined Ledger. What are the next elements need to identified?

    Accounting Method, Financial Calendar, Chart of Accounts

    Cost Organization, Cost Book, Financial Calendar

    Chart of Accounts, Calendar, Functional Currency

    Business Unit, Legal Entity, Warehouses

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    A Company has the requirement to have 8 legal entities, 8 Business Units and one Inventory Organization assigned to 8 Business Units. How do you recommend this to be managed?

    Define the IO and not assign any Profit Business Unit

    While defining the IO, dont assign the managerial Business Unit

    This scenario cannot be defined

    Make one Ledger, associate the Legal Entities to it and have one IO under the ledger

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    A company has business across the globe and they have the following 6 Business Units:

    US, Canada, India, NLS, Mexico, Australia

    The Organizations created are:

    GM (Item Org) under US

    US1 (Warehouse) under US

    US2 (Warehouse) under US

    CA1 (Warehouse) under CA

    IN1 (Warehouse) under IN

    NL1 (Warehouse) under US

    MX1 (Warehouse) under MX

    AU1 (Warehouse) under AU

    Select the two right statements associated to this structure:

    Items created for IN1 can be assigned to NL1

    Items assigned to one IO cannot be associated to IOs under different Business Unit

    Items created under GM can be assigned to US1, US2, CA1 and MX1 as these are part of NORAM Group

    Item Organization can be enabled as Invetory Organization

    Items created under Item organization can be assigned to any IO in the Enterprise

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