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US History 8th Unit 08 Industrialization STAAR


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    Negatives of northern urbanization

    Pollution & Child Labor

    move people & goods, efficient

    Textiles, immigration, factories, urbanization, mass production, interchangeable parts

    Efficient transportation, caused prices to decrease

  • 2. Multiple Choice
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    Characteristics of Northern Industrialism

    Little government regulation, hands off, private property

    Textiles, immigration, factories, urbanization, mass production, interchangeable parts

    Efficient transportation, caused prices to decrease

    Expanded slavery and plantations in the South, Textile mills grew in the north

  • 3. Multiple Choice
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    1 pt

    Effects of railroads

    Pollution & Child Labor

    Long distance communication, Morse Code, Samuel Morse

    move people & goods, efficient

    Faster way to make steel, Henry Bessemer

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