SAFe For Teams 4.6 Lesson 5
Ravi Jay
Professional Development
162 plays
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10 questions
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Multiple Choice
What is an example of a Program event
Iteration review
Daily Stand-up
Scrum of Scrums
Innovation and Planning
Multiple Choice
During the Inspect and Adapt event, how are reflection, data collection, problem solving, and identification of improvement actions used?
To evaluate better implementation steps
To help the team bond and work more efficiently together
To enhance and improve the Innovation and Planning practices
To increase the quality and reliability of the next PI
Multiple Choice
Which activity is key to successfully implementing SAFe?
Removing blocks such as Portfolio estimation
Use a cadence-based PI Planning process
Use the Innovation & Planning iteration instead of PI Planning processes
Replace the PI Planning process with the Inspect & Adapt workshop when possible
Multiple Choice
What visibility should Scrum Masters provide during the Agile Release Train Sync?
Visibility into collaboration deployment
Visibility into progress and impediments
Visibility into System Solution Intent
Visibility into single source design decisions
Multiple Choice
Which statement is true about the PI Planning event?
It involves only the team members who are most qualified to estimate the work
It involves Product Management and Product Owners on the first day and the rest of the teams on the second day
It involves everyone in the Program over a two-day period
It involves Program Portfolio Management to prioritize the Stories presented by teams during the final plan review
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