Magic School Bus: In the Arctic
Genevieve Cromer
6th Grade
502 plays
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10 questions
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Multiple Choice
. Where does Ms. Frizzle take the kids on their field trip?
South Pole
. North Pole
Multiple Choice
Why does Arnold sit next to the cold window at lunch?
wanted to see outside
another kid took his seat
he likes the cold
he had more space
Multiple Choice
How do the kids get more heat for their bodies?
use hot water bottles
huddle together
build a fire
none of the above
Multiple Choice
What does Arnold do to slow the movement of heat as it escapes his body?
He puts on more clothing
Rubs his hands together
Jumps up and down
He stuffs his jacket with paper.
Multiple Choice
Why does the bus break down in the Arctic?
Runs out of gas
The engine freezes.
The wheels come off
The air is too strong
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