Walk Two Moons-Chapters 11-14
Adriana Gonzalez
6th Grade
661 plays
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Multiple Choice
Why does Sal suspect that everyone will leave her? (chapter 11)
She thinks that everyone dislikes her.
She feels that everyone will leave her just like her mother has left her.
She suspects that girls at school are spreading rumors about her.
Multiple Choice
Phoebe received a message on a blue sheet of paper. What did it say?
Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his moccasins.
An agenda is a list of things to be discussed at a meeting.
Everyone has his own agenda.
Multiple Choice
Who does Phoebe think is leaving her family secret messages?
Sal's father
Sal's mother
someone from her dad's work
Multiple Choice
Who did Sal and Phoebe see at the drugstore?
the lunatic
Sal's long, lost mom
Mrs. Cadaver
Multiple Choice
What does Ben call Phoebe?
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