Solfege Identification

Lisa Mansfield
4th - 9th Grade
3K plays
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17 questions
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Multiple Choice
Identify the solfege syllables. "Do" is bottom space.
Do Mi Re
Mi Re Do
Mi Do Re
Multiple Choice
Identify the solfege syllables. "Do" is bottom space.
Do Mi Fa Mi
Do Mi Re Mi
Mi Do Re Mi
Multiple Choice
Identify the solfege syllables. "Do" is bottom space.
Do Re Mi
Mi Re Do
Do Mi Re
Multiple Choice
Identify the solfege syllables. "Do" is bottom space.
Do Mi Fa Mi
Do Re Mi Do
Mi Do Re Mi
Multiple Choice
Identify the solfege syllables. "Do" is bottom space.
Do Mi Fa Mi
Do Re Mi Do
Do Mi Re Do
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