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72 questions
What is this muscle?
Erector Spinae
Rectus Abdominis
What is the origin of the erector spinae?
sacrum, iliac crest, spinous and transverse processes of vertebrae, ribs
transverse processes of all lumber vertebrae, vertebral bodies of T12-L5, ilium
iliac crest, costal cartilages of lower 6 ribs
pubic crest and symphysis
What is the insertion of the erector spinae?
ribs, transverse and spinous processes of vertebrae, occipital bone
lesser trochanter of femur
What is the action of the erector spinae?
extend and laterally flex vertebral column
stabilize ribcage
hip flexion
compresses abdomen
What is this muscle?
Internal Obliques
External Obliques
Internal Intercostals
External Intercostals
What is the origin of the external obliques?
lower 8 ribs
iliac crest, midline
bottom ribs
What is the insertion of the external obliques?
lower 8 ribs
iliac crest, midline
costal cartilages
transverse processes
What is the action of the internal and external obliques?
together they compress the abdomen; one side does lateral trunk flexion and rotation to the opposite side
flexes lumbar spine, depresses ribcage, stabilizes ribcage
hip flexion
extend and laterally flex vertebral column
What is this muscle?
Where is the origin of the frontalis?
galea aponeurotica
frontal bone
temporal bone
zygomatic bone
What is the insertion of the frontalis?
fascia and skin above eyes and nose
galea aponeurotica
around the eye orbit
What is the action of the frontalis?
pulls scalp forward
fulls scalp backward
closes eyelids
closes jaw
What is this muscle?
erector spinae
rectus abdominis
internal obliques
What is the origin of the Iliopsoas?
transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae, vertebral bodies of T12-L5, Ilium
lesser trochanter of femur
pubic crest and symphysis
sacrum, iliac crest, spinous and transverse processes of vertebrae
What is the insertion of the Iliopsoas?
lesser trochanter of the femur
transverse processes of all lumber vertebrae, vertebral bodies of T12-L5, ilium
iliac crest and midline
What is the action of the iliopsoas?
hip flexion
hip extension
lateral flexion
What are these muscles?
internal and external intercostals
internal and external obliques
transverse abdominis
rectus abdominis
What is the origin of the internal intercostals?
upper border of a rib and costal cartilage
lower border of a rib
iliac crest
lower 8 ribs
What is the insertion of the intercostals?
upper border of a rib and costal cartilage
lower border of a rib above
upper border of a rib below
lower border of a rib
What is the action of the internal and external intercostals?
stabilize the rib cage during movement; stabilize the rib cage during respiration
compresses the abdomen
lateral trunk flexion
rotation to the opposite side
What is the origin of the external intercostals?
lower border of a rib
upper border of a rib and costal cartilage
lower border of a rib above
upper border of a rib below
Where is the insertion of the external intercostals?
upper border of a rib and costal cartilage
upper border of a rib below
lower border of a rib
lower border of a rib above
What muscle is this?
internal obliques
external obliques
internal intercostals
external intercostals
What is the origin of the internal obliques?
iliac crest
lower 8 ribs
bottom 3-4 ribs
iliac crest and midline
Where does the internal obliques insert?
iliac crest
lower 8 ribs
bottom 3-4 ribs and midline
iliac crest and midline
What is this muscle?
orbicularis oris
orbicularis oculi
Where does the masseter muscle originate?
zygomatic arch on temporal bone
lateral mandible
skin a fascia of mouth and lips
occipital bone
Where does the masseter insert?
zygomatic arch on temporal bone
lateral mandible
corner of mouth
galea aponeurotica
What action does the masseter perform?
closes jaw and clenches teeth
closes and compresses lips
pull scalp backward
pull scalp forward
What is the name of this muscle?
orbicularis oculi
orbicularis oris
Where does the orbicularis oculi originate?
frontal and lacrimal bones
zygomatic bones
temporal bones
around eye orbit
Where does the orbicularis oculi insert?
frontal and lacrimal bones
around eye orbit, returning to origin
zygomatic bones
temporal bone
What action does the orbicularis oculi perform?
closes eyelids
pulls corner of mouth up and back
pulls scalp forward
closes jaw and clenches teeth
What is the name of this muscle?
orbicularis oculi
orbicularis oris
Where does the orbicularis oris originate?
skin and fascia of mouth and lips
fascia of upper quarter of chest
lacrimal bones
zygomatic arch
What does the orbicularis oris insert?
skin and fascia of mouth and lips
skin and fascia at corner of mouth
mandible, fascia and skin of chin
lateral mandible
What action does the orbicularis oris perform?
closes lips, compresses lips against teeth, protrudes lips, and shapes lips during speech
closes jaw and clenches teeth
pulls corners of lower lip downward and laterally
pulls scalp backward
What is the name of this muscle?
Where does the platysma originate?
fascia or upper quarter of chest
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
skin and fascia of mouth and lips
sternum and clavicle
Where does the platysma insert?
mandible, fascia and skin of chin
fascia of upper quarter of chest
1st and 2nd ribs
mastoid process of temporal bone
What action does the platysma perform?
pulls corners of lower lip downward and laterally; draws skin of chest upwards
lateral neck flexion and rotation
flexes neck
closes jaw
What is the name of this muscle?
Quadratus Lumborum
Rectus Abdominis
Transverse Abdominis
Internal Obliques
Where does the quadratus lumborum originate?
iliac crest
12th rib and transverse processes of L1-L4
ischial tuberosity
Where does the quadratus lumborum insert?
iliac crest
12th rib and transverse processes of L1-L4
ischial tuberosity
What action does the quadratus lumborum perform?
lateral flexion of vertebral column and extension of lumbar spine
extend and laterally flex vertebral column
hip flexion
flexes lumbar spine, depresses ribcage, and stabilizes pelvis during walking
What is the name of this muscle?
Rectus Abdominis
Transverse Abdominis
Internal Obliques
External Obliques
Where does the rectus abdominis originate?
pubic crest and symphysis
xiphoid process; 5th, 6th, and 7th costal cartilages
transverse processes of all lumbar vertebrae
iliac crest
Where does the rectus abdominis insert?
pubic crest and symphysis
xiphoid process; 5th, 6th, and 7th costal cartilages
iliac crest
lesser trochanter of femur
What action does the rectus abdominis perform?
flexes lumbar spine, depresses ribcage, stabilizes pelvis during walking
compresses abdomen
hip flexion
lateral trunk flexion
What is the name of this muscle?
Where does the scalenes originate?
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
1st and 2nd ribds
mastoid process of temporal bone
sternum and clavicle
Where do the scalenes insert?
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
1st and 2nd ribs
sternum and clavicle
mastoid process of temporal bones
What action do the scalenes perform?
together they perform neck flexion; individually they perform lateral neck flexion and rotation
together they flex the neck; individually they tilt the head to the same side and rotate the head to the opposite side
closes jaw and clenches teeth
draws skin of chest upwards
What is the name of this muscle?
Where does the sternocleidomastoid originate?
sternum and clavicle
transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae
1st and 2nd ribs
mastoid process of temporal bone
Where does the sternocleidomastoid insert?
mastoid process of temporal bone
sternum and clavicle
transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
1st and 2nd ribs
What action does the sternocleidomastoid perform?
together they flex the neck; individually they tilt the head to the same side and rotate the head to opposite side
together they flex the neck; individually they laterally flex and rotate the neck
pulls scalp backward
pulls scalp forward
What is the name of this muscle?
Where does the temporalis muscle originate?
frontal, parietal, and temporal bones
frontal and lacrimal bones
zygomatic bones
Where does the temporalis muscle insert?
frontal, parietal, and temporal bones
frontal and lacrimal bones
zygomatic bone
What action does the temporalis perform?
closes the jaw and clenches the teeth
closes eyelids
pulls scalp forward
pulls scalp backward
What is the name of this muscle?
transverse abdominis
internal obliques
external obliques
internal intercostals
Where does the transverse abdominis insert?
iliac crest and costal cartilage of lower 6 ribs
lower border of a rib
upper border of a rib below
What action does the transverse abdominis perform?
compresses abdomen
lateral trunk flexion
hip flexion
flexes lumbar spine
What is the name of this muscle?
Where does the occipitalis muscle originate?
occipital bone
frontal bone
temporal bone
parietal bone
Where does the occipitalis muscle insert?
galea aponeurotica
What action does the occipitalis muscle perform?
pull scalp backward
pull scalp forward
rotate the head
rotate the neck
What is the name of this muscle?
Where does the zygomaticus muscle originate?
zygomatic bone
corner of mouth
frontal and lacrimal bones
temporal bones
Where does the zygomaticus muscle insert?
zygomatic bone
corner of mouth and upper lip
around eye orbit
What action does the zygomaticus muscle perform?
pulls corner of mouth up and back and elevates the lip
closes eyelids
pulls scalp forward
closes jaw and clenches teeth
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