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10 questions
1.A suffix is a word part attached to -
A the beginning of a base word
B the middle of a base word
C the end of a base word
2.What is the meaning of the word pregame?
A after the game
B before the game
C without the game
3.What is the meaning of the word trainer?
A a person who trains
B before training
C without training
4.A prefix is a word part attached to 0
A the beginning of a base word
B the middle of a base word
C the end of a base word
5.What is the meaning of the word harmful?
A without harm
B full of harm
C a person who harms
6.What is the meaning of the word reappear?
A a person who appears
B without appear
C appear again
7.What is the meaning of the word nonsense?
A not full of sense
B full of sense
C a person who senses
8.What is the meaning of the word unfriendly?
A in a friendly way
B not in a friendly way
C not with friends
9.What is the meaning of the word fearless?
A without fear
B with fear
C full of fear
10.What is the meaning of the word boxes?
A without boxes
B one box
C more than one box
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