What would you do in this situation?

Saanvi Kumar
KG - Professional Development
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Multiple Choice
If your mom and dad are at work and you are home alone and you are hungry for ice cream then...
I would get some money and go buy ice cream.
Call my mom and ask for permission to go to my friend's house and get ice cream from there.
Multiple Choice
If it is your birthday and you are opening your gifts and you don't like what your BFF gave you...
I march to her house and tell her I am not her friend anymore
I forgive her but give her I bad gift on her birthday!
None of these options
Multiple Choice
It is Halloween and you want to be a ninja but your family wants you to be a pumpkin...
I say I won't go trick or treating if I don't become a ninja!
I want my family to be happy so I give up my own happiness!
Multiple Choice
You are coming home from school and there is a boy on the bus who wants candy from you...
you happily give him candy
you trick him and finally when his stop comes you give it to him!
Multiple Choice
If you do not give someone candy for many days what do you do?
You apologize
You bring it the next day
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