Mirror by Sylvia Plath Review

Lindsey Miller
10th Grade
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Multiple Choice
Who is the speaker of the poem?
The woman
A mirror
A god
The lake
Multiple Choice
The following line is an example of _____
Line 2: "Whatever I see I swallow immediately"
Personification, It implies that the mirror consumes whatever it sees
Simile: It is comparing the mirror something that sees
Metaphor: It is comparing the mirror without using 'like' or 'as'
Multiple Choice
The metaphor "eye of a little god" implies that the mirror
Can see
is mean or cruel
Is all knowing
Controls everything
Multiple Choice
The woman eventually turns away from the mirror, preventing her from seeing her true self (Line 12). What does she turn to instead?
The lake
candles, or the moon
tears and agitation of hands
the wall (it is pink with speckles)
Multiple Choice
When the woman sees herself and responds with "tears, and agitation of hands" we can tell that the mirror...
doesn't like when the woman walks by it
has made the woman cry because of her aging appearance
doesn't care, or is indifferent, toward the woman
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