Mystery 4: Do worms really eat dirt?
Katrina Shimer
5th Grade
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Multiple Choice
Which is NOT true about earthworms’ role in the environment?
They mix and loosen soil
They break down decaying plant material
They eat plants’ roots
They release nutrients plants need to grow
Multiple Choice
Which of the following is NOT a good example of using evidence to support a claim about earthworms?
Worms burrow underground and hide under things away from the light. Therefore, worms like darkness.
Worms look a lot like caterpillars, which are pests. Therefore, worms must also be pests.
Worms dig burrows and move the soil like farmers do with plows. Therefore, worms help plants to grow because they move and loosen the soil.
Worm castings have more nutrients than the dirt around them. Therefore, worms are helpful to plants, because worms add nutrients to the soil that plants need.
Multiple Select
Which of the following correctly describes earthworms’ bodies and behavior? (choose 3)
have soft, flexible bodies
can move forward or backward
have a dry, scaly outer layer
live in burrows underground
have large chewing mouths
Multiple Choice
How do you think certain characteristics make worms adapted (well-suited) to living underground?
Worms live underground where it’s damp and dark. They can squeeze through tiny gaps in the soil.
Worms live underground, but have a hard time becaus eits damp and dark. They can't squeeze through tiny gaps in the soil.
Multiple Choice
TRUE or FALSE: Worms are the ONLY kind of decomposers
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