El verbo "tener"

Rocio Behler
World Languages
7th - 11th Grade
9K plays
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20 questions
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Multiple Choice
yo tengo
they have
I have
we have
you all have
Multiple Choice
nosotros tenemos
we have
they have
you have
I have
Multiple Choice
tú tienes
I have
you all have
you (informal) have
they have
Multiple Choice
vosotros tenéis
I have
we have
you all have
they have
Multiple Choice
ellos tienen
I have
they have
we have
You (formal) have
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Usos del Verbo Tener

7th - 11th Grade
Verbo Tener en Español

7th - 11th Grade
El Verbo Tener

3rd - 7th Grade
El Verbo Tener

9th - 12th Grade
Verbo tener

6th - 8th Grade
El verbo TENER

6th - 8th Grade
La Edad y el Verbo Tener

7th - 11th Grade
El Verbo Tener y La Casa

7th - 11th Grade