
9th -



AP Stats Unit 3


17 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    Which of the following is or are important in designing an experiment?

    I. Control of all lurking variables in the experiment.

    II. Randomization of subjects to treatment groups.

    III. A large number of subjects to control for small-sample variability

    I only.

    II only.

    I and II only.

    II and III only.

    I, II, and III

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    A botanist wants to test how much sunflowers in three different temperature environments - 15°C, 20°C, and 25°C - respirate (oxygen) in mol/L during germination. 300 sunflowers seeds were each given an equal volume of water (150 mL) each week, each separated randomly into three identical greenhouses. The results were collected. Which of the following is TRUE?

    The experiment is flawed because the 150 mL of water was not assigned randomly.

    The experiment is flawed because the sunflower seeds were not blocked.

    The explanatory variables are the glucose levels and the temperature of the environments.

    The situation described is an observational study because the botanist did not randomly select the sunflower seeds.

    The results of the study are conclusive only on the basis of cause and effect.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt

    John Adams, a history teacher, wanted to determine whether short answer or multiple choice were more effective in testing his 86 students’ recall of over six periods to select from. The students in his first period were given either the short-answer (S) or the multiple choice (M) treatment, via coin flip, into two equally-sized groups. After that, the students may begin their tests. Both treatments contain 20 similar recall questions. This experiment is NOT ideal because John Adams

    utilized a completely randomized design as opposed to a matched-pairs design.

    did not account for students’ grade on the previous assignment.

    did not control for the time given to each treatment group.

    did not randomly select the students from the population of interest.

    created a study that does not give certainty to its results for its given conditions.

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