Alice Walker - "Everyday Use" Text Evidence

Mason Norris
9th - 12th Grade
121 plays
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7 questions
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Multiple Select
On PAGE 1, which of these are used to describe Maggie? [select all that apply]
"embarrassed about the burn scars"
"[like] a lame animal, perhaps a dog run over"
"nicer hair and fuller figure"
"big, heavy, and strong"
Multiple Select
On PAGE 2, which of the following did Dee receive when she was younger? [select all that apply]
"enough money to send Dee to school"
"large, modern sunglasses"
"the top and handle to an old butter churn"
"Grandma Dee's butter dish"
Multiple Select
On PAGE 4, what do we learn about the quilts? [select all that apply]
Dee once told the narrator they were "old-fashioned"
The narrator has promised them to Maggie as a wedding present
The quilts are made from "pieces of dresses Grandma used to wear"
Maggie "can't remember Grandma without the quilts"
Multiple Select
On the LAST PAGE, what does the narrator do? [select all that apply]
"snatched the quilts out of Miss Wangero's hands"
sits on the porch until bedtime
"put on some sunglasses that hid everything above the tip of her nose"
"sat there on my bed with her mouth open"
Multiple Select
Which of the following describe Dee's friend ("Hakim-a-barber") in the text? [select all that apply]
He doesn't eat pork or collards
He has dreadlocks
He went to school with Dee/Wangero
He is afraid that Maggie will ruin the quilts
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