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25 questions
This is the management process that consists of all the activities involved in acquiring, developing, and compensating the people who do the work of the small business.
Organizational Management
Industrial Management
Human Resources Management
Authority Management
During the initial startup of the new business venture, who will be responsible for the human resources management function of the new business?
the entrepreneur
the accountant
the personnel department
the venture capitalists
What can happen if the employees of the new business are unhappy and unmotivated?
The business could make more money.
The business could lose money and fail.
The business could make customers happy.
The business could borrow more money.
This is the management function of arranging people, activities, and resources to accomplish the goals of the small business.
These are the most important resource of any small business.
As the business grows and expands, who will ultimately determine the success or failure of any small business.
Entrepreneurs must delegate responsibility, or the duty, for completing assigned tasks. When it comes to delegation, which of the following is a FALSE statement?
Assigned tasks must be clearly identified so that everyone will know exactly what they are responsible for.
There should be no questions about who is responsible for each task.
Authority is delegated from the top of the small business to others at lower levels.
One person really can do everything if they just work hard enough.
This is the right to make decisions about assignments and how they will be accomplished.
The obligation to accept responsibility for the outcomes of assigned tasks.
Employee Empowerment
Unity of Command
Organization Chart
Means that no employee reports to more than one supervisor at a time or for a particular task.
Organization Chart
Unity of Command
Employee Empowerment
An approach to management that gives employees the authority to solve many customer problems.
Unity of Command
Organization Chart
Employee Empowerment
A drawing that shows the structure of an organization, major job classifications, and the reporting relationships among the organization's personnel.
Unity of Command
Organization Chart
Employee Empowerment
A list of the basic tasks that make up a job.
Job Description
The advancement of an employee within the small business to a position with more authority and responsibility.
Job Description
The assignment of an employee to another job in the small business that involves the same level of responsibility and authority as the employee's current job.
Job Description
The release of an employee from the company due to inappropriate work behavior.
Job Description
A temporary or permanent reduction in the number of employees because of a change in business conditions.
Employee Turnover
Exit Interview
The rate at which people enter and leave employment in a business during a year.
Employee Turnover
Exit Interview
A formal interview with an employee who is leaving the small business to determine his or her attitudes about the business and suggestions for improvement.
Employee Turnover
Exit Interview
After a need for a new employee has been established and a job description has been written, the small business owner must recruit job applicants. Sources of job applicants include:
College and university placement programs.
Referrals from existing employees.
Internet sites such, and
All of the above are sources of job applicants.
How can the small business owner be better prepared to conduct the job interview?
Review the applicant’s resume, application, and Facebook page.
Create a list of legal and job relevant questions to ask the applicant.
Invite 1 or 2 other key team members of the business to participate in the job interview.
All of the above will help prepare the small business owner for the job interview.
Employees (or team members) are motivated by many things. Which of the following statements about employee motivation is FALSE?
Employees who are respected, praised, and appreciated by the entrepreneur will be more productive.
Employees who perform work that is interesting and exciting will be more productive.
Employees who receive financial rewards that are linked to their performance will be more productive.
Employees who are bored with their work will usually be as productive as any other employee.
Which of the following is an illegal question that should NOT be asked of a job applicant?
Why are you the best candidate for this position?
What is your greatest strength?
Are you married?
Do you have questions for us?
Employee onboarding is the process of integrating new employees into the business and helping them acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors to become effective team members. Which of the following is a FALSE statement about the onboarding process?
The onboarding process may last several months, as long as one year.
Onboarding begins with a new employee orientation process that includes introductions to other employees and completion of routine employment forms.
The onboarding process should make the new employee feel welcome and respected in the work place.
The onboarding process should not take valuable time to explain routine procedures to new employees such as where to park their cars and when to go to lunch.
This is an opportunity to learn about the causes of employee turnover.
Exit Interview
Discharge Interview
Layoff Interview
Employment Interview
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