Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever
Hollie Rogers
5th Grade
371 plays
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10 questions
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Multiple Choice
Why did Greg have to go around the neighborhood asking to shovel driveways?
He was bored and had nothing to do.
He wanted to give to his community.
He wanted a video game.
He needed money to keep his Net Kritterz pet happy
Multiple Choice
What type of music does Rodrick like listening to?
Heavy Metal
Multiple Choice
Why was Gregory involved with the police?
He stole from a video game store
He vandalised school property
He got into a fight with his best friend
He kidnapped a child
Multiple Choice
How was Greg and Rodricks Christmas presents given to them from Santa Claus?
In a garbage bag
In stockings
Laid all over the ground
There were no presents
Multiple Choice
What was Greg's punishment, for vandalising the school?
Community Service
He had to clean up what was vandalised
Lecture from his parents
Beatings from his parents
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