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16 questions
How much time does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose?
around 450 years
around 50 years
around 200 years
around 5 years
Why is plastic dangerous for animals?
They can be trapped in plastic things.
They can choke (zakrztusić się) with small plastic pieces and die.
They can eat plastic which fills their stomaches and they die of starvation because they don't feel hungry.
Plastic is not so dangerous for animals.
What does this symbol on a plastic container mean?
It is specially for pets.
It can be recycled easily.
You shouldn't put food or drink in it.
Why recycling can't win with plastic pollution?
Because recycling is wrong
Because people produce too much plastic to recycle it all.
Because not every plastic can be recycled.
Because not many people recycle rubbish.
How can we help to reduce plastic pollution?
We should use paper/cloth bags.
We should use less plastic.
We should refill our drinking bottles not buy new ones.
We should avoid (unikać) plastic or styrofoam containers.
All answers are correct.
There are plastic trash islands floating (dryfujące) on oceans.
True (prawda)
False (fałsz)
Currents (prądy morskie) take rubbish from America, Europe and bring it to different places on our planet.
true (prawda)
false (fałsz)
Juice and milk boxes can be recycled easily.
Yes, because they are made of cardboard.
No, becayse they are made of plastic+cardboard and it's difficult to separate them
Most of the plastic rubbish is collected and recycled.
No, 90% of trash is put in landfills or thrown into oceans.
Yes, that's why we should recycle.
Plastic straws (plastikowe rurki do napojów) are very dangerous for sea animals.
No, there are no straws in seas and oceans.
Yes, they are very dangerous for animals, because they hurt them and people should stop buying them.
the release of materials that is harmful to the environment, humans or other living things
example of pollution
food waste
cutting down trees
exhaust smoke released from cars
waste or pollution that is in a solid state
carbon dioxide gas released into the atmosphere
liquid waste
solid waste
pollution is _______________ to living creatures
has no effect
a trash island located in the middle of the ocean
ocean garbage patch
ocean purification
ocean floating island
pollution that is released into the atmosphere in gas form
solid waste
air pollution
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