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10 questions
What is our documentary about?
DiCaprio's life
Climate Change
Fossil Fuels
Why was this documentary made?
Sensitize the population about the problematic of global warming
Understand the origin of the problem (destruction of the planet) and its actors
Find solutions to stop the climate change
All of the above
What doesn't affect the global warming?
Fossil fuels exploitation
Alimentation only based on vegetarism
Deforestation of the rainforest
Production of greenhouse gas
What is one of the 2 MAIN reasons why we are not acting yet when we know the importance of doing something now?
Political reasons
We are lazy
Futur loss of work
The eventual flooding of cities and the disappearance of islands, the rising of the sea level and the release of bacterias who were trapped in ice, are only 4 examples of how the climate change will affect us?
How can we change the situation?
Tax the carbon
Change our behavior (food consumption)
Spread awareness so that the politicians start acting too
All of the above
The first citizens to be affected by climate change will be the ones living on islands or near the coast.
Why do we continue to poach and shave the Amazon rainforest when we know the consequences?
Offers jobs
Craving to make money of the rich people
Make place for plantations
All of the above
Fill the gap: It has been calculated that if we don't do anything, in (...) the earth will reach the state of no return.
12 years
22 years
32 years
42 years
If we start acting now, the melted ice at the poles won't start freezing again right way, but it will continue decreasing a bit and then freezing.
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