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10 questions
What are the 3 parts of a food label?
Nutrition Facts Table
Ingredient List
Nutrition Claims
Which part of a food label is optional?
Nutrition Claims
Ingredient List
Nutrition Fact Table
What are the two things the Nutrition Facts table shows us?
Number of Calories
Common Diseases
Comparison of Ingredients
Amount of Core Nutrients
How are nutrients usually measured?
In grams or milligrams
In ounces or pounds
in kilograms
What does %DV stand for?
Percent Deduction Value
Percent Direction Value
Percent Daily Value
Percent Daylight Value
What are the 2 types of Nutrition claims?
Ingredients Claims
Nutrition Content Claims
Health Claims
Saturated Fats Claims
%Daily Value Claims
What is an example of a Nutrient content claim?
Reduced Sodium
Number of calories
Associated diseases
13 core nutients
What is an example of a health claim?
Associated diseases
%Daily Value
Reduced sodium
Ingredient List
What are expressed only as %DV?
Do the Nutrition Claims provide enough information for you make smart food choices?
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