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10 questions
Philippine Folk dance is subdivided into 5 major classifications, which of the following dances do "La Jota Isabela" belong?
Rural Dances
Cordillera Dances
Spanish Influenced Dances
Tribal Dances
Muslim Dances
Which of the following descriptions best defines Folk Dancing?
The oldest form of dance and the earliest form of communication.
The mode of famous dances and performance.
Inherited and performed of one's iconic idol.
These dances reflects rituals which celebrate their daily lives – a good harvest, health, peace, war, and other symbols of living.
Cordillera Dances
Mindanao Dances
Tribal Dances
Which of the following dances reflects the simple life of the people in the barrios. It depicts common work, daily activities of the peasants?
Cordillera Dances
Musilim Dances
Rural Dances
What is the classification of Itik itik Dance?
Cordillera Dance
Muslim Dance
Rural Dance
1st Fundamental Arm position
2nd Fundamental Arm position
3rd Fundamental Arm position
What is the best benefit of dancing?
To become iconic to others
To gain attention from audience
To attain health and wellness
These dances where originated in the influence of Malay, Javanese and middle Eastern Traders.
Cordillera Dances
Rural Dances
Muslim Dances
The oldest form of dance in the Philippines
Folk Dance
A famous dance of corn harvest mostly danced in rural areas and in the City of Ilagan, Isabela?
Sala Mammangi
Sala ti Mais
La Jota Isabela
Mais Misan
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