Mechanical and Electromagnetic Waves
Steven Hardy
Physics, Science
8th Grade
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Multiple Choice
Which of the following is true for sound waves?
They require a medium.
They are unrelated to vibrations.
They cannot travel through liquids
They can travel in a vacuum
Multiple Choice
How do electromagnetic and mechanical waves compare?
Mechanical waves can only travel through a vacuum, but electromagnetic waves can travel through a solid, liquid, or gas.
Mechanical waves can travel through a solid, liquid, or gas, but electromagnetic waves can only travel through a gas.
Mechanical waves can only travel through a solid, liquid, or gas, but electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.
Mechanical waves can travel through a solid, liquid, or gas, but electromagnetic waves can only travel through a solid.
Multiple Choice
A student asks a series of questions about a wave. The answer to which question will allow the student to determine whether the wave is electromagnetic or mechanical?
Does it require a medium in order to travel?
Can it pass through air and water?
Does it have a measurable speed?
Does it have a measurable frequency?
Multiple Choice
What is the term used to describe the maximum distance that a sound wave displaces air molecules from their original undisturbed position?
Multiple Choice
A student is measuring the distance between the crest and the rest position of both a mechanical wave and an electromagnetic wave. Which question is the student trying to answer?
What is the speed of the waves?
What is the amplitude of the waves?
What is the wavelength of the waves?
What is the frequency of the waves?
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