Facts, Opinions, and Assertions

Christina Ancheta
8th Grade
733 plays
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What is the definition of a fact or factual claim?
A statement that can be verified (can be proven); are supported by factual, verifiable information such as statistics, specific examples, and personal observations.
A person’s judgment or personal belief. It may be supported with factual evidence, but it cannot be proven.
A claim that is believed to be true by most people but cannot be backed up by facts or observations
Multiple Choice
What is the definition of an assertion or commonplace assertion?
A statement that can be verified (can be proven); are supported by factual, verifiable information such as statistics, specific examples, and personal observations.
A person’s judgment or personal belief. It may be supported with factual evidence, but it cannot be proven.
A claim that is believed to be true by most people but cannot be backed up by facts or observations
Multiple Choice
What is the definition of an opinion?
A statement that can be verified (can be proven); are supported by factual, verifiable information such as statistics, specific examples, and personal observations.
A person’s judgment or personal belief. It may be supported with factual evidence, but it cannot be proven.
A claim that is believed to be true by most people but cannot be backed up by facts or observations
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