What Do Fish Have to Do With Anything?


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6th Grade
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13 questions
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Multiple Choice
In literature, what is a symbol?
a person, place, thing, or action that has meaning beyond itself.
the message of a story.
when an event happens that you do not expect to happen.
the main character in a story.
Multiple Choice
In Mrs. Markham's opinion, money symbolizes...
Multiple Choice
Why does Willie grin when he sees the dog?
He loves dogs.
The dog did a cool trick.
He recognizes his own behavior in the dog's actions.
He was happy to see the dog following the owner's instructions.
Multiple Choice
Why does the apartment seem like a cave to Willie?
Willie feels isolated and alone.
Willie has the lights turned off.
Willie's walls are painted a dark color.
Willie has fish in the apartment that make it feel like he's in an underwater cave.
Multiple Choice
Why does Willie think his mom is unhappy?
She does not like her job.
His Dad left them.
She does not like the apartment they live in.
He gets bad grades in school.
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