Point of View

Vanessa Espinoza
6th - 8th Grade
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23 questions
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Brian could not bear to be on the roof of the skyscraper any longer. He wasn't usually afraid of heights, but the wind was so strong and Rufus kept messing with him. "Would you try to land on your feet or your head?" Rufus asked with a straight face. Rufus could tell that he was getting to Brian, which only encouraged him to keep going. "Let's go look over the edge, Brian," suggested Rufus, knowing full well that Brian would refuse.
First Person
Second Person
Third Person Objective
Third Person Limited
Third Person Omniscient
Multiple Choice
The stars were burning brightly in the night sky. The evening breeze felt cool on my skin. It was the last night of summer break and I was calm, oddly calm. It's not that I was excited to go back to school. I wasn't. School is a lot of work for me. But I was excited to see my friends again, and I knew that she would be there.
First Person
Second Person
Third Person Objective
Third Person Limited
Third Person Omniscient
Multiple Choice
It was noon. The sun was high in the blue sky. The air was filled with the sounds of lawn mowers and birds chirping. A door opened. A young boy walked outside. A woman's voice could be heard from the house yelling, "Wait for me, Michael." The young boy did not wait. He ran to the sidewalk and began jumping. "Yeah! Yeah! Machine gun!" he yelled, pointing an invisible gun in all directions. He took imaginary shots every few seconds and pantomimed the recoil.
First Person
Second Person
Third Person Objective
Third Person Limited
Third Person Omniscient
Multiple Choice
Chad tightened his grip on the rope. He could feel his fingers weakening. "Come on, Chad! Pull! We're losing ground!" shouted his teammate George. Chad gazed at the mud puddle toward which he and George were being dragged. Then he looked up at his opponents. They were screaming something, but Chad couldn't quite hear it. The muscles in his arms and shoulders were tightening. "It's now or never!" George shouted. Chad dug his heels in the dirt and pulled with all his strength.
First Person
Second Person
Third Person Objective
Third Person Limited
Third Person Omniscient
Multiple Choice
Grilling chicken is easy. First, give yourself plenty of time. If the temperature rises much past 350 degrees, you may burn your chicken. So, keep the temperature low, and give yourself plenty of time to cook the chicken. Set your burners on low and leave the chicken on the top rack. Flip your chicken every 15 to 20 minutes. During final twenty minutes of cooking, brush some barbeque sauce on your chicken. Now prepare to eat a delicious meal!
First Person
Second Person
Third Person Objective
Third Person Limited
Third Person Omniscient
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