Personal Finance - Everfi Future Smart
Glenn Dukes
8th Grade
783 plays
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Multiple Choice
Which of the following would be considered a want rather than a need for most people?
Warm clothes in the winter
A place to live
A smartphone
Nutritious food
Multiple Choice
Select the answer that best describes what an opportunity cost is:
The amount of money you put into savings each year
The trade-off of making one choice and giving up a different choice
The amount of money a business makes every year from sales
The benefit you gain by choosing one option versus another
Multiple Choice
You are creating a budget for your new business. What should you include?
All income and expenses
Fixed expenses but not income
Income but not variable expenses
Fixed and variable expenses but not taxes
Multiple Choice
Which of the following is a variable expense for many adults?
Their monthly cost of eating out at restaurants
Their monthly rent payment
The monthly payment on their car loan
Their monthly payment for health insurance
Multiple Choice
Your friend’s parents are worried about going over their budget for the month. Which expense would you suggest is NOT a need?
Rent payment
Car insurance
Cable service
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