Digital Footprint
Helen Davies
11th Grade
664 plays
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15 questions
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Multiple Choice
an impression left by your foot on a soft surface
information people share about you in books, newspapers, and magazines
a trail of information you leave about yourself online
a picture you create online
Multiple Choice
Your first and last name
Your hobbies and interests
Your school's name
Your address
Multiple Choice
It means a company or brand that is well known.
It means the opinion (what people think) about someone or something based upon their words and actions.
It means what people want to do in life.
Multiple Choice
The information you post can be found and can affect your future college and career goals.
The information you post is permanent.
People that search for you online create an opinion about who you are based on what you post.
All of these answers are correct.
Multiple Choice
Using an electronic device to mistreat, tease, embarrass, and/or scare another person
Sending messages to someone online
Sending e-mails to someone you do not like
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