Sadlier Level B, Unit 1 Set A
Jacob Doran
6th - 8th Grade
58 plays
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Multiple Choice
to get down from, step down from; to come down from the air, land; lighted up
a pause in fighting, temporary peace
to begin to grow, come into being
to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly
Multiple Choice
not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace
a pause in fighting, temporary peace
to begin to grow, come into being
to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly
Multiple Choice
not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace
ordinary, dull, routine, without variation
to begin to grow, come into being
to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly
Multiple Choice
not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace
ordinary, dull, routine, without variation
a pause in fighting, temporary peace
to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly
Multiple Choice
not important, minor; ordinary, commonplace
ordinary, dull, routine, without variation
a pause in fighting, temporary peace
to suggest or hint slyly; to edge into something indirectly
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