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10 questions
What is macro environment?
Forces that shape opportunities but also pose threats to the company.
The immediate small-scale environment of an organism or a part of an organism.
Cultural factors which every company shows to the world.
Name the 6 forces of macro environment
How are known the forces of macro environment?
DEPEST model
SWOT model
SARFA model
PESTEL model
Demographic force consist in...
Size, density, age, thoughts and gender.
Occupation, size, gender, density and age.
Age, occupation, year and density.
Density, age, size and population.
Factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns is known as...
Economic Force
Demographic Force
Ecologic Force
Technological Force
What is Socio-Cultural Force?
Is about the natural resources which needed and inputs by marketers.
Related to the people.
Factors that affect society's basic values, preferences and behavior.
Factors that not affect society's basic values, preferences and behavior.
What involves the Political Force?
Laws, government agencies and pressure groups.
Business, economy, political and population.
Laws, organizations and individuals in a society.
Government agencies, pressure groups and politics.
Which is the color of the team?
Factors that create new technologies and create new products and market opportunities:
Tecnological force
Demographic resources
Technological force
Economic force
Which are the team members?
Laura, Erick, Palencia, Ayón
Denisse, Joel, Fer, Laura, Jimena, Karla y Sara
Joel, Fernando, Jimena, Denisse y Karla
Solo yo
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