A Raisin in the Sun - Act 2 Review

Hillary Carpenter
7th - 12th Grade
82 plays
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23 questions
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Multiple Choice
What were Beneatha and Walter doing when George walks into the apartment to pick Beneatha up for their date?
Eating breakfast
Dancing & singing Nigerian songs
Multiple Choice
A person who tries to fit in with the most powerful culture (in the play's case - the white culture)
A person who tries to fit in with Nigerian culture
A religious person
A person who wants to go to Europe
Multiple Choice
He tells her she looks beautiful
He asks her about Africa
He is jealous of another man giving her gifts
He tells her to change her clothes
Multiple Choice
What is "it" that Ruth claims is lost between her and Walter?
Their future
Their family
Their hopes and dreams
Multiple Choice
Rosedale Park
Sherwood Park
Hanserd Park
Clybourne Park
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