
6th -



Ancient China: Society and Class Divisions


11 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    Read the selection from the section "Education and health care."

    Doctors were all men by the time of the Tang Dynasty. Women in the countryside were allowed to treat sick people with herbs, though. Most doctors were priests or studied religion.

    Which of the following conclusions can be made from this paragraph?

    Doctors only treated people who were from the ruling and noble classes.

    During the Tang Dynasty, women were not allowed to be doctors.

    Men were the only ones who were intelligent enough to be doctors.

    Women learned about herbs by reading about them.

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    Read one reader's conclusion.

    Ancient Chinese standards of beauty involved harmful practices that disabled women.

    Which sentence from the article offers the BEST support for the conclusion above?

    They thought that one's hair came from one's ancestors and it was disrespectful to cut it.

    Both men and women of the upper classes grew their fingernails long to show that they did not have to work.

    Foot binding made working in the rice fields or doing any kind of manual labor very difficult.

    Girls were expected to stay home and learn how to be housewives and mothers.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    5 minutes
    1 pt

    According to the article, respect of ancestors remained a key value throughout Chinese history.

    Which selection from the article BEST supports the idea outlined above?

    Daily life in ancient China changed through the centuries but the Chinese maintained a belief in the gods and one's ancestors during almost every time period.

    Men and women of all classes wore their hair long because it was thought that one's hair came from one's ancestors and it was disrespectful to cut it.

    Just like the hair, the body was thought to be a gift from one's ancestors and should not be abused. For this reason, most people looked down on those with tattoos.

    Everyone was expected to know the Five Virtues of Confucius by heart. The Li, or manners, considered the most important were Ren (kindness), Xin (loyalty), Yi (honesty) and Zhi (knowing the difference between right and wrong).

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