Air Pollution
Werner Raff
Other Sciences
7th - 8th Grade
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10 questions
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nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide (sulfur compounds)
Low pH and Acid
Lemon Juice and Battery Acid
Particulate Matter and Carbon Dioxide
Multiple Choice
Develop Alternate Energy Sources (Solar Power, Wind Energy)
Use Less Energy
Stop Burning Fossil Fuels
All of the Answers are Correct
Multiple Choice
Smog or ground ozone forms in the troposphere. Which pollutants are most responsible for smog or ground ozone?
sulfur and particulate matter
volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides
carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide
none of these answers are correct
Multiple Choice
Inversion Layer
Ozone Layer
Carbon Dioxide
Multiple Choice
Where is the Ozone Layer found in our atmosphere?
Troposphere (lower portion)
Stratosphere (upper portion)
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Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade
Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade
Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade
Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade
Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade
Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade
Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade
Air Pollution
7th - 8th Grade