Habit 4: Think Win-Win


Deleted User
Other, English, Professional Development
9th - 12th Grade
15 plays
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9 questions
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Multiple Choice
It means I get what I want out of the situation, but you do not
It means you get what you want, but I do not
It means both of us do not get what we want
It means we both get what we want
Multiple Choice
It means I get what I want but you do not get what you want
It means I do not get what I want but you get what you want
It means we both get what we want
It means me and you do not get what we want
Multiple Choice
It means we both get what we want
It means I get what I want and you do not get what you want
It means I do not get what I want and you get what you want
It means we both do not get what we want.
Multiple Choice
Win- Win
Win- Lose
Lose- Lose
Lose- Win
Multiple Choice
Win - Win
Win- Lose
Lose - Lose
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Think Win-Win

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Habit 4- Think Win-Win

9th Grade
Think Win-Win

9th - 12th Grade