A drill and practice software provides exercises in which students can work on items one at a time and receive feedback on their correctness. Which of the following characteristic should be considered in selecting the appropriate drill and practice software?
The graphics in the software must always support the topic being discussed
The processes involved should not affect the pace of the activity
The answer judging of the software must be accurate
The content must highlight positive messages rather negative ones
2. Multiple Choice
45 seconds
1 pt
An instructional game software allows learners to practice their skills in a more engaging manner through a game. Which of the following characteristics should be considered in selecting the appropriate instructional game software?
The representation of a particular activity is realistic and accurate.
The processes involved should affect the pace of the activity.
The answer judging of the software must be accurate.
The content must highlight positive messages rather negative ones
3. Multiple Choice
45 seconds
1 pt
One limitation of using instructional game software is the confusion of game-rules between real life-rules. Which of the following best describe this situation?
The game cannot be implemented due to lack of resources
It is difficult to maintain balance between motivation and learning
It draws away attention of students from real purpose of learning
The students may face difficulty in transferring the skills learned through games to real life situations
4. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
What software tool can be used to create, edit and update web pages?
Microsoft WebMatrix
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What software tool can be used to create a test or test item bank online?
Worksheet Work
Adobe Dreamweaver
Easy Test Maker
Quark Express
6. Multiple Choice
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Which of the following software support tool allows users to enrich their knowledge in specialized content?
Research and Reference Tools
Material Generator Tools
Content Area Tools
Planning and Organizing Tools
7. Multiple Choice
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What software tool can be used to create charts and graphs to illustrate data entries?
. KidPix
8. Multiple Choice
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What software tool can be used to modify photos to be inserted into documents?
Adobe Photoshop
Quia Web
Adobe Pagemaker
9. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
What software tool can be used to help users widen their vocabulary?
Vernier LabQuest
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. Which software tool allows students to develop their own musical compositions?
Cute PDF
11. Multiple Choice
45 seconds
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The ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media.
media literacy
media skill
media tech
media knowledge
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It refers to technology that allow learner to stimulate, organize, manipulate, visualize or reflect on data, information and objects.
technology as a mindtool
technology as a helper
technology as a tutor
technology as navigator
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It refers to any computer-based presentation or application software that uses multimedia elements.
Digital Media Hardware
Digital Media Software
Digital Media Application
Digital Media Presentation
14. Multiple Choice
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Basic media skill refers to the capacity and creativity in solving problem.
Media fluency
Creativity fluency
Solution fluency
Attractive fluency
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Type of assessment considred as a long-term assignment in whci students can see and discover their own strenthgs and weaknesses which they can improve as they go along the process of learning.
Project based assessment
Authentic assessment
Portfolio assessment
Traditional assessment
16. Multiple Choice
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In evaluating the effectiveness of educational technology in classroom use, the teacher asked herself, " Will it help me convey the message of the lesson?" this question refers to
evaluating befor instruction
evaluating after instruction
evaluating during instruction
evaluating yesterday's instruction
17. Multiple Choice
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It allows user to navigate quickly from one page to another.
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This is where the webpages are stored.
web storage
web folder
web server
web data
19. Multiple Choice
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It is a software that allows users to access and view web pages.
web server
wed finder
web looker
web browser
20. Multiple Choice
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It is a unique reference that identifies a website.
domain name
file name
21. Multiple Choice
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Each webpage has a designed unique address called
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The following are examples of browser EXCEPT
Mozilla firefox
Adobe reader
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It refers to technology that teaches or guides individually for a particular purpose.
Technology as a mindtool
Technology as helper
Technology as tutor
technology as navigator
24. Multiple Choice
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It allows users to interact with the program by means of input coming from the user through a pointing device (mouse, keyboard etc) then the digital media performs an action in response
Inactive Digital Media
Interactive Digital Media
Collaborative Digital Media
Attractive Media
25. Multiple Choice
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This word originally means a computer enthusiast who does well in computer that benefits other people.
26. Multiple Choice
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A computer crime when one deliberately steals information for purposes of studying how to compete with other companies.
information theft
hardware theft
software theft
27. Multiple Choice
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A computer crime when a person copies illegally copyrighted software for persona/business use.
hardware theft
software theft
information theft
28. Multiple Choice
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This is a malicious software that causes harm to one or more computers.
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These are unwanted messages being received through e-mails.
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A spam sent through instant messaging devices.
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These are examples of productivity software EXCEPT
word processing
electronic spreadsheet
32. Multiple Choice
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Examples of this are Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X.
embedded operating system
stand alone operating system
emerging operating system
operating system
33. Multiple Choice
45 seconds
1 pt
Which among the following is NOT an example of embedded operating system.
Blackberry OS
Google Android
Mac OS X
34. Multiple Choice
45 seconds
1 pt
Spreadsheet are composed of thousnads of rows and columns. Rows are horizontally arranged which are identified with numbers from 1 to ________.
35. Multiple Choice
20 seconds
1 pt
In the Philippines, going against the agreement is a violation of copyright law in which penalties reach up to Php 1,500,000 and up to ______ years of imprisonment.