Hunger Games Chapters 10-12 Quiz

Hunger Games Chapters 10-12 Quiz



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9th - 12th Grade

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Multiple Choice

1 min

1 pt

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How does the Capitol punish Avoxes?

They cut out their tongues.

They cut off the fingers on one hand. 

They go to prison for a really long time. 

They automatically become tributes. 


Multiple Choice

1 min

1 pt

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Why would meeting the other tributes make Katniss queasy?

She wants to make a good impression. 

She is about to meet 22 other people who will all be trying to kill her.

They are all intimidating and much larger than her. 

Haymitch told her she needed to make them all love her so she could win. 


Multiple Choice

1 min

1 pt

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What is Peeta skilled at that makes him good at camouflage?

painting cars

making his own clothes

decorating cakes

he is a great actor


Multiple Choice

1 min

1 pt

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How did Katniss’ private session go with the Gamemakers?

They instantly love her and giver her a score of 12. 

They hated her immediately and stopped paying attention until she left. 

They laughed at her when she missed the target with her arrow. 

They didn’t pay attention to her until she shot the apple out of the pig’s mouth.


Multiple Choice

1 min

1 pt

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What is the significance of the score given to each tribute?

It is a big part of their final grade. 

The score signifies the promise of a tribute.

It will determine the order in which they begin the games. 

The score signifies how many weapons they will have access to. 

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