Language Dialect 5.3b
Audra Arman
World Languages, English
5th Grade
205 plays
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7 questions
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Multiple Choice
Music is a good thing; and after all that soul-butter and hogwash I never see it freshen up things so
Music is a good thing;
after all that soul-butter
I never see it
freshen up things
Multiple Choice
I reckoned if she knowed me she'd take a job that was more nearer her size.
I reckoned
she'd take a job
more near
her size
Multiple Choice
The Old Sea Dog at the "Admiral Benbow” set sail at dawn for their journey to an uncharted island.
The Old Sea Dog
"Admiral Benbow"
set sail at dawn
journey to an uncharted
Multiple Choice
The axe got so heavy I could hardly swing it. My breath got harder and harder to breathe. An hour before sundown, I was worn down to a nub.
The axe got so heavy
My breath got harder
An hour before sundown
worn down to a nub
Multiple Choice
It seemed like I couldn’t hit another lick. Papa could have lasted till past sundown, but I didn’t see how I could. I shouldered my axe and started toward the cabin
couldn't hit another lick
last till past sundown
didn't see how I could
shouldered my axe
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