
9th -



Biology Review Questions 24-27


4 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
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    Nudibranchs are marine gastropods that lack shells. Many or these gastropods retain the foul-tasting poisons of their prey and secrete them when threatened. The bright coloration of the nudibranches warns predators to avoid them.
    Based on this information, how has adaptation allowed marine gastropods to be successful without a shell?
    They find enough food as they move through the marine environment
    They blend In with their environment to hide from their predators.
    They are not attacked by most predators and are able to reproduce successfuly
    They have bright colors that attract a mate
  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    At birth Himalayan rabbits are usually white over their entire bodies. But when parts of their bodies reach temperatures below 35°C, a pigment that causes these parts to turn black is produced. Which or the following is most likely the cause or this phenomenon?
    Poor blood circulation
    Infection caused by cold temperatures
    Gene expression that is regulated by temperature
    A trait that is both sex-linked and hormone-dependent
  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    1 pt
    Changes In water pressure with in guard cells cause the cells to open or close the stoma. This response helps the plant maintain homeostasis by -
    siablilzlng the plant's temperature through the evaporalion or water
    regulating the amount of water the plant loses during transpiration
    allowing oxygen needed for photosynthesis to enter the plant
    enabling the plant to release more carbon dioxide at night for photosynthesis
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