Ave Maris IV
Veronica Brandt
World Languages
6th Grade
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Monstra te esse matrem
Show thyself to be a mother
offer Christ our praying
Honour your father and your mother
Monsters shall not confound thee
Multiple Choice
Sumat per te preces
may the Word divine
Taking that sweet Ave
May he take, through thee, our prayers
born for us thine Infant
Multiple Choice
Qui pro nobis natus
still thy word obeying
Who was born for us
Who is the king of glory?
hear our prayers through thine
Multiple Choice
Tulit esse tuus
Tulips bloom in spring
Christ is born!
for all blessings pray
He took it up to be thine
Multiple Choice
Puer natus est nobis
A boy is born for us
a son is given
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counsellor
Multiple Choice
Ubi est qui natus est rex Judaeorum?
Where there is charity and love
Where is he who has been born king of the Jews?
For we have seen his star in the East
and have come to worship him
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