
Professional Development


Traffic Part 3


183 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    (547.001 2-b): "___________" The term includes equipment for:

    (A) road maintenance or construction, including:

    (i) equipment for snow removal, line striping, skid resistance testing, sweeping, spraying, guardrail repair, sign maintenance, and temporary traffic-control device placement or removal;

    (ii) aerial platform lift machines; and

    (iii) road profiler machines; and

    (B) road construction or off-road use, including motor graders, road rollers, excavators, pneumatic tire equipment, movers, and tractors.

    Highway maintenance or construction vehicle

    Roadway maintenance or construction vehicle

    Public maintenance vehicle

    Public maintenance and work vehicle

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    (547.001 (3)) : "_______" means the ratio of the amount of light that passes through a material to the amount of light that falls on the material and the glazing

    Light transmission

    Light emission

    Light transverision

    Light transemission

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    (547.001 (5-a)): "_______" means a self-propelled vehicle that was originally and permanently designed as machinery and is not designed or used primarily to transport persons or property and is only incidentally operated on a highway.

    Road machinery

    Highway maintenance vehicle

    Safety machinery

    Safety operations machinery

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