



Compass and Map Quiz


11 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    How do you orient a compass?

    Set the degree dial to point towards the Direction of Travel arrow

    Rotate the compass until the red of the magnet points towards the 'N'

    Make the compass level and rotate until the red of the magnet points towards the 'N'

    Set the degree dial to point towards the 'N' on the compass rose

  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    What should be the orientation of the 'N' on the compass rose on a map?

    Pointing upwards

    Pointing downwards

    Pointing towards the right

    Pointing towards the left

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    How do you orient a map using a compass?

    Align the longer side of the compass with a vertical line on the map

    Rotate the compass until the red of the magnet points towards the 'N'

    Make the compass and map level, then rotate until the red of the magnet points towards the 'N'

    Set the degree dial to point towards the Direction of Travel arrow

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