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8 questions
How old was Jesus at the time of his baptism? His
12 years old
30 years old
25 years old
33 years old
How many times did satan tempt Jesus?
5 times
7 times
3 times
1 time
Who ordered the census which bought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem?
Pontius Pilate
King pharaoh
Caesar Agustus
How many loaves of Bread and fish did Jesus use to feed the five thousand people in John 6?
Five loaves of bread and two fish
Two loaves of bread and five fish
Three loaves of bread and two fish
Ten loaves of bread and five fish
Where was Jesus baptised and by whom?
In the River Nile by John the Baptist
In the River Jordan by an angel of God
By the River Jordan by John the Baptist
In the Red Sea by himself
How old was Jesus when he first taught in the temple?
Nine years old
Twelve years old
Eight years old
Fifteen years old
Who anointed Jesuses feet with expensive perfume and then dried his feet with her hair?
Mary the sister of Martha
Esther the sister of Gifty
Elizabeth the sister of Hannah
Martha the sister of Mary
Where did Joseph and Mary live?
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