



Unit 7 Day 5 ET


13 questions

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  • 1. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    6 pts

    Honor Code.



  • 2. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    6 pts

    A sociologist will conduct a two-sample t-test for a difference in means to investigate whether there is a significant difference, on average, between the salaries of people with bachelor’s degrees and people with master’s degrees. From a random sample of 32 people with a bachelor’s degree, the average salary was $55,000 with standard deviation $3,500. From a random sample of 28 people with a master’s degree, the average salary was $58,000 with a standard deviation of $4,000.

    With a null hypothesis of no difference in the means, which of the following is the test statistic for the appropriate test to investigate whether there is a difference in population means (master’s degree minus bachelor’s degree)?





  • 3. Multiple Choice
    2 minutes
    8 pts

    A two-sample t-test for a difference in means was conducted to investigate whether defensive players on a football team can bench-press more weight, on average, than offensive players. The conditions for inference were met, and the test produced a test statistic of t = 1.083 and a p-value of 0.15.

    Based on the p-value and a significance level of 5% , which of the following is the correct conclusion?


    A) Reject the null hypothesis because 0.15 > 0.05. There is not convincing evidence that defensive players can bench-press more weight, on average, than offensive players.

    B) Reject the null hypothesis because 0.15 > 0.05. There is convincing evidence that defensive players can bench-press more weight, on average, than offensive players.

    C) Fail to reject the null hypothesis because 0.15 > 0.05. There is not convincing evidence that defensive players can bench-press more weight, on average, than offensive players.

    D) Fail to reject the null hypothesis because 0.15 > 0.05. There is convincing evidence that defensive players can bench-press more weight, on average, than offensive players.

    E) Fail to reject the null hypothesis because 0.15 > 0.05. There is convincing evidence that defensive players can bench-press the same amount of weight, on average, as offensive players.

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