



The Pearl - Chapter 4


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  • 1. Multiple Choice
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    What is the name of the town in which Kino lives?

    La Paz

    San Diego


  • 2. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
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    Steinbeck opens chapter for with a description that relates to maintaining or disrupting the "status quo." The idea of the "status quo" means,

    "The status quo is the current state of things. If you are rich and admired, then you're probably not interested in disrupting the status quo. Status quo is Latin for "existing state." When we talk about the status quo, however, we often mean it in a slightly bad way."

    How has Kino disrupted the "status quo", and why do you think the town is on edge  and nervous about it?


    Choose one answer that is the best based upon what you know of Steinbeck and the novel thus far.

    The town is happy for Kino and hopes that he does well in selling his pearl. 

    The town resents that Kino, whom many think of as an inferior race, is about to improve his wealth and status by selling his pearl.

  • 3. Multiple Choice
    30 seconds
    1 pt

    True or False:

    There is really only one pearl buyer. The men who act like pearl buyers really work for one man.  They have planned together how to cheat Kino with a lower price than his pearl is worth. 



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